Zero-config deployments
When you create a new SvelteKit project with npx sv create
, it installs adapter-auto
by default. This adapter automatically installs and uses the correct adapter for supported environments when you deploy:
for Cloudflare Pages@sveltejs/adapter-netlify
for Netlify@sveltejs/adapter-vercel
for Vercelsvelte-adapter-azure-swa
for Azure Static Web Appssvelte-kit-sst
for AWS via SST@sveltejs/adapter-node
for Google Cloud Run
It’s recommended to install the appropriate adapter to your devDependencies
once you’ve settled on a target environment, since this will add the adapter to your lockfile and slightly improve install times on CI.
Environment-specific configuration
To add configuration options, such as { edge: true }
in adapter-vercel
and adapter-netlify
, you must install the underlying adapter — adapter-auto
does not take any options.
Adding community adapters
You can add zero-config support for additional adapters by editing adapters.js and opening a pull request.
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