import { function on<Type extends keyof WindowEventMap>(window: Window, type: Type, handler: (this: Window, event: WindowEventMap[Type]) => any, options?: AddEventListenerOptions | undefined): () => void (+4 overloads)
Attaches an event handler to the window and returns a function that removes the handler. Using this
rather than addEventListener
will preserve the correct order relative to handlers added declaratively
(with attributes like onclick
), which use event delegation for performance reasons
on } from 'svelte/events';
Attache un gestionnaire d’évènement à window
et renvoie une fonction qui supprime le gestionnaire.
Utiliser ceci plutôt que addEventListener
va préserver l’ordre correct des gestionnaires ajoutés
déclarativement (en utilisant des attributs comme onclick
), qui utilisent la délégation
d’évènements pour des raisons de performance.
function on<Type extends keyof WindowEventMap>(
window: Window,
type: Type,
handler: (
this: Window,
event: WindowEventMap[Type]
) => any,
options?: AddEventListenerOptions | undefined
): () => void;
function on<Type extends keyof DocumentEventMap>(
document: Document,
type: Type,
handler: (
this: Document,
event: DocumentEventMap[Type]
) => any,
options?: AddEventListenerOptions | undefined
): () => void;
function on<
Element extends HTMLElement,
Type extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap
element: Element,
type: Type,
handler: (
this: Element,
event: HTMLElementEventMap[Type]
) => any,
options?: AddEventListenerOptions | undefined
): () => void;
function on<
Element extends MediaQueryList,
Type extends keyof MediaQueryListEventMap
element: Element,
type: Type,
handler: (
this: Element,
event: MediaQueryListEventMap[Type]
) => any,
options?: AddEventListenerOptions | undefined
): () => void;
function on(
element: EventTarget,
type: string,
handler: EventListener,
options?: AddEventListenerOptions | undefined
): () => void;
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